Trust exercises presented by NRCC

There’s lots to do at climbing; sometimes it doesn’t even include actual climbing.

Today, we took the opportunity to be monkeys for a little while

It worked fairly well, for most of us, despite falling down from time to time and being slapped by your friends behind your back..

And even if we couldn’t do it by ourselves, team mates are always there to help!



Anything is possible with a little help from friends!

Some of us did do some actual climbing, but most of it happened before the camera came out, although there is some evidence.

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And some of us had to climb with a bit of difficulty due to mischievous team mates…

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In addition to all this climbing and “climbing”, there were times even most of us are unsure of what was going on…

Thanks for a great session guys, see you Wednesday for more NRCC antics!